Forum Discussion

David_Bond's avatar
2 years ago

LogicModule development: script editor line numbers

Great news!  LogicMonitor is finally adding line numbers to the groovyscript editor.

Only joking.  It’s STILL rubbish and there are no plans to fix it.

When pairing LogicModule development I STILL have to say “up about 6 lines”, “no not that line” and “down a bit” every few seconds.

  • I agree that the extension should be “built in”. I prefer using that to running scripts via the DataSource global def page.

    That said, I do believe that is the idea with the new “Modules” section.

    Right now, line numbers are present when viewing modules both in the toolbox and Exchange (with fullscreen):

    There’s also line numbers in the new module creation page:

    So yeah, things are def moving in that direction! 

10 Replies

  • Right. Not just that though because i currently develop in vs code. Having the integration will allow me to use built in tools to test to see if my script is doing what i want it to do. It would mean that i would likely never go into the collector debug again, except for actual debugging. However, that could be handled by the extension as well, making it much easier to read and debug tasks.

  • mray's avatar
    Icon for LM Conqueror rankLM Conqueror

    Highly agree about VS Code. There are a lot of cool web based editors nowadays that are constantly raising the bar. Thinking of stuff like CodeSandboxStackBlitzReplit.

    BUT an actual integration to allow folks to use their own editor/IDE is always going to be optimal. 

  • mray's avatar
    Icon for LM Conqueror rankLM Conqueror

    @Michael Rodrigues I’ll just chime in real quick to say I’d love to see the templating, popout, and some cool highlighting added 😁

  • The UIv4 LogicModule editors’ script fields are now line-numbered.

    Some of Jon’s Chrome Extension functionality has been included in the product, but you won’t see it if you have his extension installed and enabled. We do support searching for a resource (for hostprops) which Jon’s does not. His does support templating, popout, and some cool highlighting that the built-in version does not do.

    I would be interested in hearing more about what other improvements you’d like to see here.

    Built-in Groovy Debugger w/ Resource Search
  • @Michael Raymond,

    That IS good to see.

    The last time I used the new DataSource UI, it wasn’t really ready (i.e. “better than UIv3”).  I will certainly give it another go!



  • mray's avatar
    Icon for LM Conqueror rankLM Conqueror

    I agree that the extension should be “built in”. I prefer using that to running scripts via the DataSource global def page.

    That said, I do believe that is the idea with the new “Modules” section.

    Right now, line numbers are present when viewing modules both in the toolbox and Exchange (with fullscreen):

    There’s also line numbers in the new module creation page:

    So yeah, things are def moving in that direction! 

  • I don’t use it either. As mentioned before, I’d like a VS Code plugin that allows running it from there. Basically this extension built into VS Code.

  • An ex-employee of mine built that!

    I don’t use it - and it should be built in.

  • Ajay's avatar
    Icon for LM Champion rankLM Champion

    Hi David,

    Just checking, have you used chrome extension LogicMonitor Script Debug Helper?