Forum Discussion

David_Bond's avatar
9 months ago

Feature Request: Website Properties

Two requests:

1. Website Inherited Properties

Please could the website entity have an “inheritedProperties” field added, much like resources do.  This will not require any additional UI, but saves a lot of API round trips.

2. Website Custom Properties

Please could the website entity have an “customProperties” field added, much like resources do.  This WILL require additional UI on the Website Create/Edit Dialog.  Happy if this is UIv4 only.

4 Replies

  • Now, now!

    Interesting question though - I will ask a separate question in the UI Beta forum.

  • Well, they’ve been “working on it” for several years now. They aren’t developing a UIv4 version of the websites page, so coincidental with UIv4 rollout finish? So, like 2031?

  • True, but the stopgap would be nice.

    Do we know when Websites are being merged into Resources?  The reason I ask is that the data model is COMPLETELY different.  The Website / Website Steps model is not really compatible with the Resource / Instance model, so color me sceptical that this will happen any time soon.

    Always happy to be proven wrong, though!

  • Since the websites will eventually be in the resources tree, i think this will come by default.