Forum Discussion

Keimond's avatar
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7 years ago

Device42 Integration

So I see LM has provided a sample integration script for iTop.. (
I'm curious if anyone out there has taken this example and created something for Device42 that they wouldn't mind sharing ?!
I plan on trying to start something in a month or two, mind you I am by no means much of a programmer :)/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" title=":)" width="20">

  • On 3/27/2018 at 10:50 AM, Keimond said:

    So I see LM has provided a sample integration script for iTop.. (
    I'm curious if anyone out there has taken this example and created something for Device42 that they wouldn't mind sharing ?!
    I plan on trying to start something in a month or two, mind you I am by no means much of a programmer :)/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" title=":)" width="20">



    Hey Keimond! Interesting idea - Wondering what your end goal is with this? Device42 is always interested in new integrations that benefit the community. Would you mind elaborating a bit as to what you'd like to accomplish overall, and/or what you'd like to see in a Device42 - LogicMonitor integration? Any more detail would be appreciated! 

  • Sorry @GraphTheWorld, not ignoring you! My priorities in the company have been shifted elsewhere right now and D42 isn't one of them.

    I'll come back and elaborate more later.. (I've also asked the rest of my team to give their input on what they'd like to see)

    At most, our top goal was, whatever is in Device42 labeled as production should be in LogicMonitor (unless monitoring is set to off) .. or/and the opposite.. whatever is in LogicMonitor should be in Device42.

  • On 6/21/2018 at 1:50 PM, Keimond said:

    Sorry @GraphTheWorld, not ignoring you! My priorities in the company have been shifted elsewhere right now and D42 isn't one of them.

    I'll come back and elaborate more later.. (I've also asked the rest of my team to give their input on what they'd like to see)

    At most, our top goal was, whatever is in Device42 labeled as production should be in LogicMonitor (unless monitoring is set to off) .. or/and the opposite.. whatever is in LogicMonitor should be in Device42.


    No worries, we're all busy, and I'm sure you have a million things competing for your attention too -- Thanks for the reply!

    Off the top of my head, what you are looking to accomplish, if I understand correctly (enable/disable monitoring depending on the production status within Device42, correct?)  using Device42's built-in webhook functionality. One easy way to accomplish this, for example, would be using Zapier as an intermediary (there are many other options, e.g. stackstorm for non-cloud). There is an example blog post demonstrating the principle of Device42 webhooks triggering a remote action using Zapier here:

    Zapier can easily be configured to look for the state change from production to dev/QA [or back again], and upon seeing that change, fire an appropriate API call to LogicMonitor to enable or disable monitoring. There might be an intermediate step required to ensure a device that you intend monitoring to stay disabled on per the setting in LogicMonitoring (monitoring off, as you mentioned) is respected, but that could simply be accomplished with an API to logic monitor to check a given device's state there before toggling its state based on the webhook.


    Please let me know if you guys find this at all helpful, or if you would like some more assistance or guidance in configuring the setup as suggested or another approach, I'm glad to help or hook you up with someone who can! Looking forward to input from @Keimond's team, as well!

