Forum Discussion

John_Lockie's avatar
3 years ago

docusign health monitoring

Has anyone figured out a good way to monitor docusign?  They post their status here: but it's not a great way to scrap the page for new incidents.  They have RSS feed, but LM does not support RSS (that I know of).

And, AFAIK there is no cloud integration w/ docusign.  Docusign is a crit service for us.  We are moving toward synthetics so that might be a way, but in the meantime not sure if there's a simpler approach I am not thinking of....

  • Hey @MaddyM and @John Lockie 

    If y’all are still looking for a way to do this it is actually fairly simple.  

    All you would need to do is add a resource into your portal using the hostname “”. 

    Once done, you will want to ensure you have the PropertySource named “addCategory_StatusPageIO_Key” imported, as well as the DataSource named “StatusPageIO_Service_Status”.  These work together to assign the category and then allow for the monitoring of status pages.  The only requirement is that the status page is outlined in the PropertySource and it’s this:

    The resource must have public read access to <hostname>/api/v2/summary.json readable to the collector and must not be a private IP.

    For example, I just added this into my own test environment, and it’s pulling that status information currently. 

    Docusign Status Page Monitoring

    As always, if you run into any questions while doing this, please don’t hesitate in reaching out to the LogicMonitor support team!

  • Hey @MaddyM 

    So, the PropertySource appliesTo requires that name. 

    startsWith(hostname,"status") || hostname =~ "statuspage" || hostname =~ "" || hostname =~ "" || hasCategory("statuspage")

    However, there is also a part of the appliesTo which is just looking for the category of “statuspage” being applied to a device. 

    || hasCategory("statuspage")

    You could add the site you are looking to monitor and then add the category of “statuspage” to it.  The only thing to note here is that the DataSource looks to be built specifically to parse pages that are set up through, so if you apply it to a different site it may not work.  It doesn’t hurt to try though!

  • Thanks @LMjosephBrett. This might be a silly question but for this to work does the url site have to have status in it? There are other vendor status sites that we would potentially be interested in adding but the site is or

  • Anonymous's avatar

    LM overly complicated my vision by adding the PropertySource and thus complicating the AppliesTo of the DS.

    Hello, I’m the guy who originally discovered and wrote the monitoring for Atlassian based status pages. Nice to meet you.

    Obviously, I have a custom version of the DS than what LM has in the exchange/repo. Among cosmetic changes like improvements to the graphs, my version has this AppliesTo:

    hasCategory("StatusPageIO_Key_Exists") || statuspageio_key	

    This allows me to add the statuspageio_key to any resource in my portal thereby adding status page monitoring to it. This allows me to monitor ConnectWise status on the same resource as my other ConnectWise monitoring DataSources (rather than having one for ConnectWise and one for ConnectWise’s status page). It allows me to add status page monitoring to my LogicMonitor portal resource, even though it doesn’t match any of the above AppliesTo options.

    All I do is add a property called “statuspageio_key” (which isn’t really a key, more of an ID) with value “mwr4rgcd2g69” to any resource in LM. For clarity in reporting, since I don’t have any other DocuSign monitoring in LM, I added a resource for it, but you could just as easily add it to a collector, or your portal resource, or anything really. Testing DocuSign in my sandbox portal, I did eventually disable the Ping DS on it because it seems they block ICMP on 

    If you’re running a collector-less environment, you might be able to get this in the SaaS-lite monitoring. I can’t see it though because we don’t take advantage of any of LM’s SaaS lite monitoring. It creates an additional group and an additional resource with required properties distributed through both; it’s bad. If it’s not in the list, you might request LM fasttrack it. It takes about 10 minutes of dev work to get it running on their side. 9 minutes of that is finding the logo to display in the UI.

  • Anonymous's avatar

    FWIW: it looks like the API is pretty extensive. If you’re interested in building out some custom monitoring around that, I moonlight developing custom DSs just like this. @David Bond’s team would also likely be available for hire to help.