Forum Discussion

Antony_Hawkins's avatar
4 years ago

Collector Versions Available DataSource

First things first, I didn't think of this as an idea, that was my colleague @Kerry DeVilbiss. However, he just said "can we have...", so I ran off with that as an idea.

It's a DataSource that applies to each Collector Resource and checks the current list of available Collector versions (via the published /setting/collector/collectors/versions API endpoint) against the current Collector version information.

(Edit: There's also now a ConfigSource that applies to your portal Resource, if you've set that up, alongside our core LogicMonitor_Portal_x DataSources)

It therefore can indicate whenever there are newer MGD, GD and EA versions available, and how long those (MGD and GD) versions have been available for.

MGD versions are alerted on by default based on how long they've been available for, as these will get auto-updated after 30 days and you'll probably prefer to determine your own schedules for this.

There is some intelligence built in around EA versions, such that you could for example alert on the availability of newer EA versions, but only if the Collector is already an EA (as EA Collectors are not recommended for Production, and therefore you don't want that noise).

Anyway, plenty of flexibility. You could even use this to alert on the presence of an EA Collector version within your production environment.

In vast majority this uses the existing API script functions in our core LogicMonitor_Portal_x DataSources. Demands and lmaccess.key properties for an API token with read access to settings. Polls once per hour only, so presents minimal load to the API or you Collectors.

The DataSource applies per-collector to highlight potential version issues for each:


The ConfigSource applies singly to the portal resource, enabling a single alert on release of each type of collector (EA, GD, MGD - you can remove the alerts for any of these). This is a slightly different use case from the DataSource, so you may want either or both:

DataSource: v1.1.0: 777Y4N

ConfigSource: v1.0.0: WAY7HE

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  • Anonymous's avatar

    Following so i can install when it finishes security review.