Forum Discussion

Lewis_Beard's avatar
8 months ago

Can alerts be un-acknowledged?

I saw some posts from 6-9 years back where users were asking to be able to un-Acknowledge an alarm. I’ve looked around and I dont see a way to do it. I’ve looked in several user interfaces.

Is this still something worth a feature request? Or am I over-looking the obvious?

A user asked me about it and I had never needed to. I can see the need …. in case someone accidentally acked the wrong alarm, or other reasons.


  • Honestly this is why we do not allow it in our portal. There isn’t an “Oops undo” button.

  • When I’ve needed to do this in the past, I’ve let LM regenerate the alert by disabling the alert so it clears, then enable it again and wait for it to alert again. That does reset time frames and has other side effects, also only really useful for some types of alerts. It is generally good enough for my purposes atleast, which is usually to fix up generated tickets.

    That’s the only way I know of.

  • When I’ve needed to do this in the past, I’ve let LM regenerate the alert by disabling the alert so it clears, then enable it again and wait for it to alert again. That does reset time frames and has other side effects, also only really useful for some types of alerts. It is generally good enough for my purposes atleast, which is usually to fix up generated tickets.

  • Hi, Lewis, 

    I’ve tested this in my lab portal and it doesn’t seem to be possible to Acknowledge and un-acknowledge an Alert.