Forum Discussion

Fristian47's avatar
Former Employee
3 years ago

Prompt to copy or update dashboard source

When copying/moving dashboards, you should be prompted if you want to update the source of the dashboard to the new device group.

For example, when moving your O365 monitoring dashboard, a message should be prompted: “Would you like to maintain the original source of or link it with the new map/group?”


  • I think an issue with this is that dashboards can have multiple sources, each widget can have it's own source and some widgets can have multiple sources too. But is the thought to ask if you want to change ##defaultresourcegroup## on clone/move? I know for me who setup proper tokens at the dashboard group level that would be somewhat annoying as we might be cloning and moving dashboards around as an MSP. Also when you clone, you have the option right in the clone window to change/add that token.

  • Anonymous's avatar
    1 hour ago, Mike Moniz said:

    when you clone, you have the option right in the clone window to change/add that token

    Yes, LM already prompts you to change the ##defaultResourceGroup## token (any any other tokens defined on the dashboard) when cloning the dashboard. Perhaps we misunderstand what you mean by the "source" of the dashboard.