Forum Discussion

joshlowit1's avatar
7 years ago

Windows Services Check

I have found where I can monitor services for a device and have set up a test to monitor services on the windows device.

Is there a way to set this as a datasource? That way I can do the AppliesTo scripting and have specific devices being monitored for specific services they are running?

I have about 80 devices and configuring Service Alerts for each of them would take a bit of time, I'm trying to be more efficient.

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  • @joshlowit1 - the quickest and easiest way to accomplish what you're trying is probably the following:

    1.) Find the "WinCitrixServices" DataSource that already exists in LogicMonitor - it automatically looks for all Windows services with "Citrix" in the name.

    2.) Clone that DataSource, give it a new name, uncomment the AppliesTo, and change the filter to catch a different service name.

    3.) Save it - you can leave the AppliesTo as isWindows() - and now it will look for the service or services you've specified on every Windows machine in your account.



  • You would create a new LogicModule > DataSources template. The Apply To expression should be set there. This makes the subsequent datasource available (or automatically applied if you choose to use Active Discovery) to Windows servers that have your desired services running. 

    The rest of the Datasource would be designed to poll for your services and alert thresholds. There are many ways to do that. You can use a WMI collector (like in the WinService- datasource which you can clone and play with). OR if you feel adventurous you can use a Script collector and use Groovy or PowerShell (or some other scripting language) to return the data you want. 

  • I am fairly new to LogicMonitor I was able to import the PropertySource and in the appliesTo: field I am able to apply it to the servers I need.

    I am a little lost on where I would apply the  

    auto.winservices =~ "WindowsService1|WindowsService2|etc"

    Then where would the alert tuning come in to only alert when specific services are not running, or in another case to alert if a service is running.