Forum Discussion

David_Bond's avatar
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7 years ago

Windows Basics PropertySource


This PropertySource provides the following as AutoProperties for Windows devices:

  • auto.bios.serialNumber

  • auto.bios.version

  • auto.os.architecture

  • auto.os.version


  • auto.processor.numberOfCores

  • auto.processor.numberOfLogicalProcessors

  • auto.processor.manufacturer

  • auto.processor.caption

  • auto.processor.addressWidth

  • auto.processor.maxClockSpeed

5 Replies

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  • Funny enough, we've got a PropertySource and accompanying datasources in review thats grabbing nearly the same host metadata. 


  • What would be awesome too to add would be a vcenter lookup to see what vcenter is hosting a vm. Haven't found a good way to do that yet. 

  • 2 minutes ago, Joe Tran said:

    Is there a newer version of what @David Bond (LM) posted? The one listed above is "currently undergoing security review". 


    hey @Joe Tran that locator ID should now be working.