Forum Discussion

Rodger_Keesee's avatar
9 years ago

SSL Cert expiration alerting

Some other monitoring tools provide SSL certificate monitoring to alert for expiring certs. Really wish LogicMonitor had this. +1 if I could use a collector to monitor for private SSL certs that aren't accessible publicly (like for RDS and the like). 

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  • Wuut! I searched the documentation (and the forums) and found no mention of this awesomeness. I'll try it out immediately. 

  • Hi Rodger -

    LogicMonitor does indeed monitor and alert on SSL Cert Expiration.

    Look for the datasource named "SSLCerts-", change the Applies To field contents to "true()", and possibly update the Port # List field to contain a comma-separated list of SSL-ized ports on which it should test. This will scan the specified ports across all devices and apply SSL Cert monitoring accordingly

    Newer versions of this datasource have been updated accordingly, so you could alternately just pull down the most recent version from the mothership.