Forum Discussion

HenryGale_N_A's avatar
9 years ago

SDT - nth weekend/day support

We do monthly maintence for our clients on the last Sunday of every month. It would great if we could set a scheduled SDT for the last Sunday of every month, rather than specific dates.

  • I second this request! We have some one off recurring patch windows that happen on 4th Wednesday or 3rd Saturday, etc. The ability to set a recurring SDT instead of leveraging a script against the API could be beneficial.

  • Please add the ability to select first, second, third, fourth weekend or day of month.  So, for example, we need to be able configure:

    o Third weekend of the month, 0200 to 0400 - meaning both the third Saturday and Sunday of the month

    o Second Tuesday of the month, 0400 to 0600 

    And so on.  At the moment we would have to manually add multiple entries and keep updating.

  • I need this too please.  We often have "last weekend of month" type changes planned for release management.

  • I want to add my vote to this feature, we have a client that reboots their servers on the 1st Monday of the month. We have to put SDTs in three separate places (devices, services, collectors) multiplied by 12 months, that is 36 entries which leaves room for error.

  • Hi Paul - You can do day of week, and Nth day of month. What we don't support right now is Nth Wednesday of the month - but it's now on our list.

  • I would like this as well (also day of the week? Not sure if that is implemented right now).

    We have some reporting servers that have very high workload towards end of month and it would be nice to silence them during those periods (or at least maybe adjust thresholds).

    Adjusting weekly thresholds and SDTs would be really nice too (for example, to adjust latency thresholds during the weekends when lots of backups are running).

  • Thanks for the feedback. We've been discussing this in other areas of the application, and have been specifically wondering about how (and if) it would be used. We'll take this into account.