Forum Discussion

tiras's avatar
8 years ago

How to get further details from getAlert?


I want to extract my information according to this interface

example_notification_data = {

    'host': "",

    'host_name': "Debian-App",

    'incident_created': "2016-10-10T02:27:47+07:00",
    'component_type': "server",

    'component_status': 0,

host is an local IP address

host_name is string hostname

incident_created is timestamp with timezone format is ISO8601

component_type is "server" or "vm" base on the component type. It is OK to hardcode by "server" because NOC has to investigate in detail

component_status is always 0. Because my customer would like to see the critical case and first developer from that endpoint refuses me to change his format. He claims "I had 3 times changed which is enough". Therefore I have to leave this key in json payload for historical purpose.


Here is my Python script and

import json
import pprint
from urllib import parse, request

from config import (USER, PASSWORD, COMPANY)

def rpc(action, params):
    Make a call to the LogicMonitor RPC library and return the response
    print("Calling action: {action}".format(action=action))
    print("Parameters: {params}".format(params=params))
    param_str = parse.urlencode(params)
    creds = parse.urlencode({"c": COMPANY, "u": USER, "p": PASSWORD})
    if param_str:
        param_str = param_str + "&"
    param_str = param_str + creds
        url = "https://{0}{1}?{2}"
        f = request.urlopen(url.format(COMPANY, action, param_str))
    except IOError as ioe:

def main():
    pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
    response = rpc("getAlerts", {"level": "critical"})
    tmp_text = response.decode("utf-8")
    instance = json.loads(tmp_text)
    msg = instance.get('data').get('alerts')

if __name__ == "__main__":


Here is my response

[   {   '_id_': 'LMD8983',
        'ackComment': 'OK',
        'acked': True,
        'ackedBy': '',
        'ackedOn': 1475652110,
        'ackedOnLocal': '2016-10-05 14:21:50 ICT',
        'active': True,
        'alertEscalationChainName': 'default',
        'alertRecipients': '',
        'alertRuleId': 3,
        'alertRuleName': 'Critical',
        'clearValue': '',
        'dataPoint': 'idleInterval',
        'dataSource': 'HostStatus',
        'dataSourceDisplayName': 'Host Status',
        'dataSourceId': 128,
        'dataSourceInstance': 'HostStatus',
        'dataSourceInstanceDescription': '',
        'dataSourceInstanceId': 4911958,
        'dataSourceType': 'DS',
        'displayName': 'Host Status',
        'duration': '52h 31m',
        'endOn': 0,
        'endOnLocal': '',
        'escalationChainId': 1,
        'escalationSubChainId': 0,
        'host': 'VC-TCCT',
        'hostDataSourceId': 393,
        'hostGroups': [   {   'alertEnable': True,
                              'appliesTo': '',
                              'createdOn': 0,
                              'description': 'root folder',
                              'fullPath': '',
                              'groupType': 0,
                              'id': 1,
                              'name': 'cloudhm',
                              'parentId': 0}],
        'hostId': 8,
        'id': 74,
        'inSDT': True,
        'level': 'critical',
        'nextRecipient': 0,
        'sdt': [   {   'admin': '',
                       'category': {'name': 'HostSDT'},
                       'comment': '',
                       'duration': 0,
                       'endDateTime': {   'day': 31,
                                          'hour': 12,
                                          'minute': 30,
                                          'month': 10,
                                          'weekDay': 2,
                                          'year': 2016},
                       'endHour': 0,
                       'endMinute': 0,
                       'hostId': 8,
                       'hour': 0,
                       'id': 1,
                       'isEffective': True,
                       'minute': 0,
                       'monthDay': 0,
                       'sdtType': 1,
                       'startDateTime': {   'day': 5,
                                            'hour': 13,
                                            'minute': 43,
                                            'month': 10,
                                            'weekDay': 4,
                                            'year': 2016},
                       'type': 'onetime',
                       'weekDay': 1}],
        'startOn': 1475644129,
        'startOnLocal': '2016-10-05 12:08:49 ICT',
        'thresholds': '> 300 300 300',
        'type': 'alert',
        'uniqueId': 'LMD74',
        'value': '189439.44'},
    {   '_id_': 'LMD8979',
        'ackComment': 'OK',
        'acked': True,
        'ackedBy': '',
        'ackedOn': 1475652110,
        'ackedOnLocal': '2016-10-05 14:21:50 ICT',
        'active': True,
        'alertEscalationChainName': 'default',
        'alertRecipients': '',
        'alertRuleId': 3,
        'alertRuleName': 'Critical',
        'clearValue': '',
        'dataPoint': 'PingLossPercent',
        'dataSource': 'Ping',
        'dataSourceDisplayName': 'Ping',
        'dataSourceId': 31,
        'dataSourceInstance': 'Ping',
        'dataSourceInstanceDescription': '',
        'dataSourceInstanceId': 4911957,
        'dataSourceType': 'DS',
        'displayName': 'Ping',
        'duration': '52h 36m',
        'endOn': 0,
        'endOnLocal': '',
        'escalationChainId': 1,
        'escalationSubChainId': 0,
        'host': 'VC-TCCT',
        'hostDataSourceId': 388,
        'hostGroups': [   {   'alertEnable': True,
                              'appliesTo': '',
                              'createdOn': 0,
                              'description': 'root folder',
                              'fullPath': '',
                              'groupType': 0,
                              'id': 1,
                              'name': 'cloudhm',
                              'parentId': 0}],
        'hostId': 8,
        'id': 69,
        'inSDT': True,
        'level': 'critical',
        'nextRecipient': 0,
        'sdt': [   {   'admin': '',
                       'category': {'name': 'HostSDT'},
                       'comment': '',
                       'duration': 0,
                       'endDateTime': {   'day': 31,
                                          'hour': 12,
                                          'minute': 30,
                                          'month': 10,
                                          'weekDay': 2,
                                          'year': 2016},
                       'endHour': 0,
                       'endMinute': 0,
                       'hostId': 8,
                       'hour': 0,
                       'id': 1,
                       'isEffective': True,
                       'minute': 0,
                       'monthDay': 0,
                       'sdtType': 1,
                       'startDateTime': {   'day': 5,
                                            'hour': 13,
                                            'minute': 43,
                                            'month': 10,
                                            'weekDay': 4,
                                            'year': 2016},
                       'type': 'onetime',
                       'weekDay': 1}],
        'startOn': 1475643859,
        'startOnLocal': '2016-10-05 12:04:19 ICT',
        'thresholds': '> 20 70 90',
        'type': 'alert',
        'uniqueId': 'LMD69',
        'value': '100.00'}]


How to get the value of host, host_name, incident_created, component_type, component_status. Since I have not found any relation between result and the details?

I have read

But I do not know how to link it each other


1. I can not put 'host' to my 'host_name' because it is the same and endpoint API will confuse


Best regards


  • Hi Sarit,

    For the incident_created, you should be able to use the startOn and startOnLocal fields from the getAlerts response.  The best way to get more information (e.g. IP) about the devices in alert is to grab the hostId & host display name from the response of getAlerts and plug that into either the getHost RPC API or a GET request to the devices resource for our REST API.

    For example, if getAlerts returns:

    [   {   '_id_': 'LMD8983',
            'ackComment': 'OK',
            'acked': True,
            'ackedBy': '',
            'ackedOn': 1475652110,
            'ackedOnLocal': '2016-10-05 14:21:50 ICT',
            'active': True,
            'alertEscalationChainName': 'default',
            'alertRecipients': '',
            'alertRuleId': 3,
            'alertRuleName': 'Critical',
            'clearValue': '',
            'dataPoint': 'idleInterval',
            'dataSource': 'HostStatus',
            'dataSourceDisplayName': 'Host Status',
            'dataSourceId': 128,
            'dataSourceInstance': 'HostStatus',
            'dataSourceInstanceDescription': '',
            'dataSourceInstanceId': 4911958,
            'dataSourceType': 'DS',
            'displayName': 'Host Status',
            'duration': '52h 31m',
            'endOn': 0,
            'endOnLocal': '',
            'escalationChainId': 1,
            'escalationSubChainId': 0,
            'host': 'VC-TCCT',
            'hostDataSourceId': 393,
            'hostGroups': [   {   'alertEnable': True,
                                  'appliesTo': '',
                                  'createdOn': 0,
                                  'description': 'root folder',
                                  'fullPath': '',
                                  'groupType': 0,
                                  'id': 1,
                                  'name': 'cloudhm',
                                  'parentId': 0}],
            'hostId': 8,
            'id': 74,
            'inSDT': True,
            'level': 'critical',
            'nextRecipient': 0,
            'sdt': [   {   'admin': '',
                           'category': {'name': 'HostSDT'},
                           'comment': '',
                           'duration': 0,
                           'endDateTime': {   'day': 31,
                                              'hour': 12,
                                              'minute': 30,
                                              'month': 10,
                                              'weekDay': 2,
                                              'year': 2016},
                           'endHour': 0,
                           'endMinute': 0,
                           'hostId': 8,
                           'hour': 0,
                           'id': 1,
                           'isEffective': True,
                           'minute': 0,
                           'monthDay': 0,
                           'sdtType': 1,
                           'startDateTime': {   'day': 5,
                                                'hour': 13,
                                                'minute': 43,
                                                'month': 10,
                                                'weekDay': 4,
                                                'year': 2016},
                           'type': 'onetime',
                           'weekDay': 1}],
            'startOn': 1475644129,
            'startOnLocal': '2016-10-05 12:08:49 ICT',
            'thresholds': '> 300 300 300',
            'type': 'alert',
            'uniqueId': 'LMD74',
            'value': '189439.44'}]


    Then you can either make a getHost RPC request using host display name= VC-TCCT, or a GET /device/devices/<id> REST request using hostId =8.  The response will look like this:

      "status" : 200,
      "errmsg" : "OK",
      "data" : {
        "id" : 253,
        "name" : "",
        "displayName" : "ProdServer24",
        "deviceType" : 0,
        "relatedDeviceId" : -1,
        "currentCollectorId" : 90,
        "preferredCollectorId" : 90,
        "preferredCollectorGroupId" : 1,
        "preferredCollectorGroupName" : "@default",
        "description" : "a server in the LA datacenter",
        "createdOn" : 1458754984,
        "updatedOn" : 1470715583,
        "disableAlerting" : false,
        "autoPropsAssignedOn" : 1476095588,
        "autoPropsUpdatedOn" : 1476095708,
        "scanConfigId" : 0,
        "link" : "",
        "enableNetflow" : false,
        "netflowCollectorId" : 0,
        "netflowCollectorGroupId" : 0,
        "netflowCollectorGroupName" : null,
        "lastDataTime" : 0,
        "lastRawdataTime" : 0,
        "hostGroupIds" : "2",
        "sdtStatus" : "none-none-none",
        "userPermission" : "write",
        "hostStatus" : "dead",
        "alertStatus" : "unconfirmed-critical-none",
        "alertStatusPriority" : 1,
        "awsState" : 1,
        "alertDisableStatus" : "none-none-none",
        "alertingDisabledOn" : null,
        "collectorDescription" : "",
        "netflowCollectorDescription" : null,
        "customProperties" : [ {
          "name" : "system.categories",
          "value" : ""
        } ],
        "upTimeInSeconds" : 0,
        "deletedTimeInMs" : 0,
        "toDeleteTimeInMs" : 0,
        "hasDisabledSubResource" : false,
        "manualDiscoveryFlags" : {
          "winprocess" : false,
          "linuxprocess" : false,
          "winservice" : false
        "ancestorHasDisabledLogicModule" : false

    Which includes device display name & device IP/DNS.  Re the component_type & component_status values, it sounds like you're going to hardcode those, but if you have this information set as custom properties for the devices in your account, you can get that additional information with (the REST version of which will be published in the next release or two). 



  • Sarah_Terry's avatar
    Icon for Product Manager rankProduct Manager

    Hi Sarit,

    For the incident_created, you should be able to use the startOn and startOnLocal fields from the getAlerts response.  The best way to get more information (e.g. IP) about the devices in alert is to grab the hostId & host display name from the response of getAlerts and plug that into either the getHost RPC API or a GET request to the devices resource for our REST API.

    For example, if getAlerts returns:

    [   {   '_id_': 'LMD8983',
            'ackComment': 'OK',
            'acked': True,
            'ackedBy': '',
            'ackedOn': 1475652110,
            'ackedOnLocal': '2016-10-05 14:21:50 ICT',
            'active': True,
            'alertEscalationChainName': 'default',
            'alertRecipients': '',
            'alertRuleId': 3,
            'alertRuleName': 'Critical',
            'clearValue': '',
            'dataPoint': 'idleInterval',
            'dataSource': 'HostStatus',
            'dataSourceDisplayName': 'Host Status',
            'dataSourceId': 128,
            'dataSourceInstance': 'HostStatus',
            'dataSourceInstanceDescription': '',
            'dataSourceInstanceId': 4911958,
            'dataSourceType': 'DS',
            'displayName': 'Host Status',
            'duration': '52h 31m',
            'endOn': 0,
            'endOnLocal': '',
            'escalationChainId': 1,
            'escalationSubChainId': 0,
            'host': 'VC-TCCT',
            'hostDataSourceId': 393,
            'hostGroups': [   {   'alertEnable': True,
                                  'appliesTo': '',
                                  'createdOn': 0,
                                  'description': 'root folder',
                                  'fullPath': '',
                                  'groupType': 0,
                                  'id': 1,
                                  'name': 'cloudhm',
                                  'parentId': 0}],
            'hostId': 8,
            'id': 74,
            'inSDT': True,
            'level': 'critical',
            'nextRecipient': 0,
            'sdt': [   {   'admin': '',
                           'category': {'name': 'HostSDT'},
                           'comment': '',
                           'duration': 0,
                           'endDateTime': {   'day': 31,
                                              'hour': 12,
                                              'minute': 30,
                                              'month': 10,
                                              'weekDay': 2,
                                              'year': 2016},
                           'endHour': 0,
                           'endMinute': 0,
                           'hostId': 8,
                           'hour': 0,
                           'id': 1,
                           'isEffective': True,
                           'minute': 0,
                           'monthDay': 0,
                           'sdtType': 1,
                           'startDateTime': {   'day': 5,
                                                'hour': 13,
                                                'minute': 43,
                                                'month': 10,
                                                'weekDay': 4,
                                                'year': 2016},
                           'type': 'onetime',
                           'weekDay': 1}],
            'startOn': 1475644129,
            'startOnLocal': '2016-10-05 12:08:49 ICT',
            'thresholds': '> 300 300 300',
            'type': 'alert',
            'uniqueId': 'LMD74',
            'value': '189439.44'}]


    Then you can either make a getHost RPC request using host display name= VC-TCCT, or a GET /device/devices/<id> REST request using hostId =8.  The response will look like this:

      "status" : 200,
      "errmsg" : "OK",
      "data" : {
        "id" : 253,
        "name" : "",
        "displayName" : "ProdServer24",
        "deviceType" : 0,
        "relatedDeviceId" : -1,
        "currentCollectorId" : 90,
        "preferredCollectorId" : 90,
        "preferredCollectorGroupId" : 1,
        "preferredCollectorGroupName" : "@default",
        "description" : "a server in the LA datacenter",
        "createdOn" : 1458754984,
        "updatedOn" : 1470715583,
        "disableAlerting" : false,
        "autoPropsAssignedOn" : 1476095588,
        "autoPropsUpdatedOn" : 1476095708,
        "scanConfigId" : 0,
        "link" : "",
        "enableNetflow" : false,
        "netflowCollectorId" : 0,
        "netflowCollectorGroupId" : 0,
        "netflowCollectorGroupName" : null,
        "lastDataTime" : 0,
        "lastRawdataTime" : 0,
        "hostGroupIds" : "2",
        "sdtStatus" : "none-none-none",
        "userPermission" : "write",
        "hostStatus" : "dead",
        "alertStatus" : "unconfirmed-critical-none",
        "alertStatusPriority" : 1,
        "awsState" : 1,
        "alertDisableStatus" : "none-none-none",
        "alertingDisabledOn" : null,
        "collectorDescription" : "",
        "netflowCollectorDescription" : null,
        "customProperties" : [ {
          "name" : "system.categories",
          "value" : ""
        } ],
        "upTimeInSeconds" : 0,
        "deletedTimeInMs" : 0,
        "toDeleteTimeInMs" : 0,
        "hasDisabledSubResource" : false,
        "manualDiscoveryFlags" : {
          "winprocess" : false,
          "linuxprocess" : false,
          "winservice" : false
        "ancestorHasDisabledLogicModule" : false

    Which includes device display name & device IP/DNS.  Re the component_type & component_status values, it sounds like you're going to hardcode those, but if you have this information set as custom properties for the devices in your account, you can get that additional information with (the REST version of which will be published in the next release or two). 



  • Thank you Sarah

    I had tried `getHost`, but it seems to not cover my need. I would like to see the `vm` level of it. I have no idea that by technically it is possible or not.

    At least you response does confirm my understand. No worry I will manage to survive

    Best regards
