Forum Discussion

mnagel's avatar
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7 years ago

ESXi Reboot Check

I was surprised to find none of the builtin datasources includes an uptime datapoint.  I want to extend this to more detail from the same API class (HostRuntimeInfo), but for now it gets the bootTime property and transmogrifies to seconds elapsed. KE649L.


2 Replies

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  • Hey mnagel, the Uptime metric (as well as the rebootNeeded, maintenanceMode and other state) has been added to a latest version of the VMware datasources under review now. Here are the locators for the relevant beta datasources. ELAK96, KFD4F7

  • 11 hours ago, Julio Martinez said:

    Hey mnagel, the Uptime metric (as well as the rebootNeeded, maintenanceMode and other state) has been added to a latest version of the VMware datasources under review now. Here are the locators for the relevant beta datasources. ELAK96, KFD4F7

    Nice!  I wish I had known that yesterday, but then I would not have had the fun of figuring out how to convert the GregorianCalendar result for bootTime into seconds :).