Forum Discussion

Bradley_Conway's avatar
8 years ago

Disable Alerts on Active Discovery for specific instances


I recently had a case where we were trying to find out if there was a way to disable alerting on specific instances during active discovery. Currently we have instances that are discovered via snmp that we do not want alerts to be enabled since some networks we are monitoring are test networks. To turn these alerts off, we have to manually find the instances and turn off alerts from there. For LogicMonitor Support, the case number was 54822. 

  • We have a few things in the works that may help with this.  One is the ability to auto group instances based on an instance level property, which at minimum will give you the ability to centralize the manual change.  We're also re-architecting the LogicModule backend, which will provide better history and links between datasources.  We won't stop there, but those should help alleviate the pain. 

  • We have the same challenge -- what I have been told is to clone the underlying DS and effectively partition the "Applies To" across the dual DS's ala .  On the one that needs to be limited, more filters can be added.  I do understand this concept, but I continue to be concerned this methodology will lead to the equivalent of spaghetti programming -- many clones with no relation and no way to ensure that common features are maintained across the clone group.  I proposed a "linked clone" feature a while back that would help with this via inheritance, but no idea if or when that would be implemented.

    BTW -- the default interface DS does not account for ifAdminStatus.  Ports will be excluded if ifOperStatus is not up, but once it is up, it becomes an instance, and will alarm even if you later shutdown the port.  That is the sort of thing that having to fix in multiple clones can be painful and error-prone.