Forum Discussion

Raz_Karmi's avatar
10 years ago

Device NOC widget suggestion

It would be nice to have the option of excluding certain elements within a device

As an example, exclude certain ports from a network switch as they are in standby mode and appear in Orange in the main dashboard

If they can be excluded, then the main dashboard will appear as Green and the standby ports can be placed in a separate standby widget

  • Great suggestion, and I think you can accomplish this now.

    Since most of the fields in the NOC configuration support glob, you can also use ! to exclude items. If you're looking to have devices show in the NOC as items, but exclude specific instances, you will just need to add the value for Device and then !port1|port2|port3 in the Instance field where port1, port2, port3 are the names of the instances you wish to exclude. Only trick here in the instance names are actually datasourcename-instance, so it's worth typing the port name in the field first to make sure you have the formatting correct.

    Set your group by to Device, and you should be in good shape. Let us know if this does the trick, and feel free to use Chat with Engineer if it's not exactly what you need.