Forum Discussion

Mosh's avatar
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8 years ago

Add LMConfig tasks to Data Collection Task Queue graph

Please add LMConfig collection tasks to Task Queue graph, see attached.  We experience config retrieval failures a lot but we are unable to see if this is due to queuing or too many other tasks at the same time. 



  • Ali, thanks, that would be very useful.

  • Ali_Holmes's avatar
    Former Employee

    We also have a ConfigCollectingTasks datasource in the works to provide more granularity 

  • David_Lee's avatar
    Former Employee

    Mosh, configsources use a script to connect to the devices and as such the script task queue already reflects this information for you. Looking at this in more detail can show scripts being queued and times taken by the configsources. Although this might not differentiate between some normal scripts and configsources it would allow you to see if the queue was too much for the collector


    FYI, the above graph doesnt show scripts as it is a top ten and scripts are lower than that on that particular collector.