Forum Discussion

Anonymous's avatar
5 years ago

26 AUG 2020 Office Hours

At LogicMonitor, we recognize that your business and infrastructures are under increased strain due to COVID-19. To assist you in monitoring your vital infrastructure, we would like to personally invite you to join us at 11am PST, Wednesday, August 26th, for another Live Training Webinar Office Hours.

Have questions about how to best use LogicMonitor? LogicMonitor experts will be live to explain best practices and answer your questions. Register now!

  • Anonymous's avatar

    Here's the Q&A transcript and the contents I shared via chat:

    Q: I noticed that the new datasources least some of them.... use snmp on the collection level .... while API on the active discovery level
    A: Answered at 13:18

    Q: if we want to monitor Wireless AP, those can jump to hundreds of devices
    Answered by another community member: I believe the individual APs would be instances of the network "device".
    Answered by another community member: Yeah, the network is what consumes the license.
    A: Answered at 14:13

    Q: Do we need a minimum Meraki firmware requirement for these things?
    A: Answered at 15:06

    Q: Do you need to install the Meraki modules from LM Exchange, or just the "ones with "API" in them?
    A: Answered at 15:46. After followup with Product Management: When a module in a package reads "Unimplemented", this means that the module is installed already in your environment. Since SLM (Safe LogicModule Merge) is not available yet for non DataSource modules, those modules cannot be updated from the Exchange. To get the updates for those modules, go to Settings >> PropertySources | TopologySources >> Add >> From LogicMonitor Repository. Click the ok button on the pre-filled form to log onto the repository. You will see all updates available for installed modules and can select and save those updates. Soon, this functionality will exist in the Exchange and the process will be much simpler.

    Q: We have a local collector at each Meraki site and do SNMP to those.  How will this differ from that?
    No, because the collector is not talking to the devices, it is talking to Cisco's API/public snmp.
    A: Answered at 19:12

    Q: are there plans for additional datasources to cover the additional api endpoints?
    A: Answered at 20:16

    Q: As we had SNMP unique to each customer, but we added API access to a single user with access to each portal how do we account for multiple SNMP strings when doing discovery?
    A: Answered at 20:33

    Q: This still has a limitation to one org per collector correct?
    A: Answered at 21:38

    Q: If the new datasources also use SNMP, how do you control which collector will be used to talk to the individual devices?
    A: Answered at 22:15. Even when using the API, one of your collectors will be doing that communication with the Meraki API.

    Q: for the advance netscan script, it seems that it'll try to grab devices for all Org .... sometimes as an MSP we dont want to grab everyone.... how would we go about using that metod say..if we want to limit orgs
    Answered by another community member: Probably easiest to go in and delete the org or network "devices" that you don't want to monitor after the netscan and discovery has been done.
    A: Answered at 24:52

    Q: would that count against the license?
    A: Answered at 26:23

    Q: yes that happend before since device name was! just one device allowed per collector
    Answered by another community member: This shouldn't be a problem anymore because each network "device" will have a unique hostname.
    A: Answered at 26:52

    Q: can you show us a demo of a meraki environment that has been already been imported via this netscan?
    A: Answered at 27:29. Reach out to your CSM to ask. The Sales Engineering team would usually have something like this, but it's not been built yet since we don't actually own a Meraki installation.

    Q: It looks like this meeting is currently being recorded, where can we access the recording after the meeting?
    Answered by another community member: Hey will post a link on the Communities forum. Probably at a href="" rel="">
    A: Answered at 28:20. Yes, that's the right place.

    Q: Is the Adv Netscan always tied to a specific LM collector? Example, we use Collector Groups with failover, if the collector selected to run the Netscan failed over to the backup, would the backup collector then perform this scan?
    A: Answered at 28:41

    Q: if we are monitoring by importing meraki networks as a device, what would the naming convention look like?
    Answered by another community member: each network will be a device named like "Meraki Network: *network name*". Each org will be a device named "Meraki Org: *org name*"
    A: Answered at 30:13

    Q: can you go over what the new datasources cover that the old ones do not?
    A: Answered at 30:42

    Q: How would we add Meraki devices into the Resources tab?
    A: Answered at 31:02

    Q: We are trying to squeeze every bit of performance out of a limited number of Collectors. We've been finding it time-consuming to find and handle deprecated LogicModules (the focus being deprecated DataSources) by reading the website release notes but it's a cumbersome process. Is there any single source of information on deprecated modules that we can query, so as to manage DataSources programmatically via the API? I'm picturing something like an API endpoint or website URI which would spit out JSON consisting of any & all deprecated modules.
    A: Answered at 31:35
    Followup: It's possible that we are double-monitoring certain metrics due to having imported newer logicmodules on top of deprecated ones. Some of our environments are huge and it may not be easy to discover this. I think that's the motivation here. Exactly right about when they are in-use and when they are not - the issue is when for example a new DataSource comes out to replace an old one, we bring in the new one because it appears in the Repo, but the notes about the deprecated one is often overlooked. I thought I recall them saying a "deprecated" tag may be coming to the exchange in the future.
    No worries - we have indeed asked our CSM about it. Thanks!

    Q: Not necessarily a technical question but what's the difference between the LMCA and LMCP certification?
    Answered by another community member: I believe it's just an Administrator cert compared to a "Professional" cert. The admin covers the resources, and handling alerting for resources and websites where as the LMCP is more the backend on setting up Logic Monitor itself such as alert rules, escalation chains, datasources, etc
    A: Answered at 37:17

    Q: As an MSP we have a lot of organizations.  I am able to find and collect all organizations that we are granted access to. Should we instead get a user created for every customer in their organization?
    Answered by another community member: We create users for every requested user at a customer.
    A: Answered at 38:34
    Answered by another community member: Also a MSP, we had setup SNMP on each customer portal as they are all indivual, we just add our technician's accounts as admins to their portal for ease of support.

    Q: Do we have any roadmap for netscalers monitoring? Currently we have issues with SNMP OID's between logicmonitor and netscalers
    A: Answered at 49:53

    Q: Can you show an example of setting up a telnet datasource to telnet, login, and run a command to check for a specific output?
    A: Answered at 41:34

    Q: As an MSP that covers multiple Orgs... post netscans is there something that auto assigns or helps auto assign to say customer group
    A: Answered at 46:24

    Q: Will more scripting languages be included in Logic Monitor in the future such as Python?
    A: Answered at 52:10
    Answered by another community member: PYTHON IS HERESY .... NO DICTIONARIES AND DATAFRAMES ALLOWED

    Q: Will that Linux_SSH_Process_Select only work on a Linux collector? Unless this is all part of that JAVA library and is platform independant (Win vs. Linux collector)?
    A: Answered at 54:28

    Q: any way to trigger a "healing script" to fix a down service or expand a drive?
    A: Answered at 55:22

    Stuff I posted in the chat:

    //get the stuff that needs to be added
    mydevice = [

  • Anonymous's avatar

    US Session Recording:


  • Anonymous's avatar

    Here is the Q&A from the EMEA session.

    EMEA Session Questions:
    Q: How to set scheduled reports to send to mails, without agents?
    A: 23:21

    Q: how can I created a report that gives me an overview of certain devices ordered by least availability over a period of time?
    A: 14:10

    Q: How to set some escalation channels for one alert Rule?
    A: 26:24

    Q: I am monitoring a specific process on a Windows server which does warn when the process fails, but I would like to alter this to Critical so I get an email alert. When adding this on instance threshold I can only specify a numeric value and not 'no data'. How do I add this alert without altering the global settings? Thanks.
    A: 27:35

    Q: How to set escalation channel to send warn to "Owner of resouce" and set the owner in some field in device? (Sys.description for exavple)
    A: 31:24

    Q: How to force device to rediscovery. It has DB aerly and now show no data for DB
    A: 43:06

    Q: Im new to the LogicMonitor Tool, whats the best way to get started, Training Tab or Communities Channel ? I need this tool to intergrate with Connectwise Automate to raise tickets for alerts, and we also use immediate escalating chain alerting to specfic email addresses.
    A: 50:19

  • Anonymous's avatar

    Here's the recording from todays EMEA session:



  • Anonymous's avatar


    We will be including explanation and Q&A on how our Meraki monitoring has been enhanced.