Example script for automated alert actions via External Alerting
Below is a PowerShell script that's a handy starting point if you want to trigger actions based on specific alert types. In a nutshell, it takes a number of parameters from each alertand has a section of if/elsestatements where you can specify what to do based on the alert.It leverages LogicMonitor'sExternal Alertingfeature so the script runs local to whatever Collector(s)you configure it on. I included a couple of example actions forpinging a device and forrestarting a service.It also includes some handy (optional) functions for logging as well as attaching a noteto thealert in LogicMonitor. NOTE: this script is provided as-is and you will need to customize it to suit your needs. Automated actions are something that must be approached with careful planning and caution!! LogicMonitor cannot be responsible for inadvertent consequences of using thisscript. If you want try it out, here's how to get started: Update the variables in the appropriate section near the top of the script with optional API credentialsand/or log settings. Also change any of the if/elseif statements (starting around line #95) to suit your needs. Save the script onto your Collector server.I named the file"alert_central.ps1" but feel free to call it something else. Make note of it’s full path (ex: “C:\scripts\alert_central.ps1”). NOTE: it’s notrecommended to place it under the Collector's agent/lib directory (typically "C:\Program Files (x86)\LogicMonitor\Agent\lib") since that location can be overwritten by collector upgrades. In your LogicMonitor portal go to Settings, then External Alerting. Click the Add button. Set the 'Groups' field as needed to limit the actions to alerts from any appropriategroup of resources. (Be sure the group's devices would be reachable from the Collector running the script) Choose the appropriate Collector in the Collectorfield. Set Delivery Mechanismto "Script" Enter the name you saved the scriptas (in step #2)in theScriptfield (ex. "alert_central.ps1"). Paste the following into the Script Command Linefield (NOTE: if you add other parameters here then be sure to also add them to the 'Param' line at the top of the script): "##ALERTID##" "##ALERTSTATUS##" "##LEVEL##" "##HOSTNAME##""##SYSTEM.SYSNAME##" "##DSNAME##" "##INSTANCE##" "##DATAPOINT##" "##VALUE##" "##ALERTDETAILURL##" "##DPDESCRIPTION##" Example of the completed Add External Alerting dialog Click Save. This uses LogicMonitor's External Alerting featureso there are some things to be aware of: Since the script is called foreveryalert, the section of if/then statements at the bottom of the script is important for filtering what specific alerts you want to take action on. The Collector(s) oversee the running of thescript, so be conscience to any additional overhead the script actions may cause. It could take up to 60 seconds for the script to trigger from the time the alert comes in. This example is a PowerShell script so best suited for Windows-based collectors, but could certainly be re-written as a shell script for Linux-based collectors. Here's a screenshot of acleared alert where the script auto-restarted a Windows service and attached a note based on its actions. Example note the script added to the alert reflecting the automated action that was taken Below is the PowerShell script: # ---- # This PowerShell script can be used as a starting template for enabling # automated remediation for alerts coming from LogicMonitor. # In LogicMonitor, you can use the External Alerting feature to pass all alerts # (or for a specific group of resources) to this script. # ---- # To use this script: # 1. Update the variables in the appropriate section below with optional API and log settings. # 2. Drop this script onto your Collector server under the Collector's agent/lib directory. # 3. In your LogicMonitor portal go to Settings, then click External Alerting. # 4. Click the Add button. # 5. Set the 'Groups' field as needed to limit the actions to a specific group of resources. # 6. Choose the appropriate Collector in the 'Collector' field. # 7. Set 'Delivery Mechanism' to "Script" # 8. Enter "alert_central.ps1" in the 'Script' field. # 9. Paste the following into the 'Script Command Line' field: # "##ALERTID##" "##ALERTSTATUS##" "##LEVEL##" "##HOSTNAME##" "##SYSTEM.SYSNAME##" "##DSNAME##" "##INSTANCE##" "##DATAPOINT##" "##VALUE##" "##ALERTDETAILURL##" "##DPDESCRIPTION##" # 10. Click Save. # The following line captures alert information passed from LogicMonitor (defined in step #9 above)... Param ($alertID = "", $alertStatus = "", $severity = "", $hostName = "", $sysName = "", $dsName = "", $instance = "", $datapoint = "", $metricValue = "", $alertURL = "", $dpDescription = "") ###--- SET THE FOLLOWING VARIABLES AS APPROPRIATE ---### # OPTIONAL: LogicMonitor API info for updating alert notes (the API user will need "Acknowledge" permissions)... $accessId = '' $accessKey = '' $company = '' # OPTIONAL: Set a filename in the following variable if you want specific alerts logged. (example: "C:\lm_alert_central.log")... $logFile = '' # OPTIONAL: Destination for syslog alerts... $syslogServer = '' ############################################################### ## HELPER FUNCTIONS (you likely won't need to change these) ## # Function for logging the alert to a local text file if one was specified in the $logFile variable above... Function LogWrite ($logstring = "") { if ($logFile -ne "") { $tmpDate = Get-Date -Format "dddd MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss" # Using a mutex to handle file locking if multiple instances of this script trigger at once... $LogMutex = New-Object System.Threading.Mutex($false, "LogMutex") $LogMutex.WaitOne()|out-null "$tmpDate, $logstring" | out-file -FilePath $logFile -Append $LogMutex.ReleaseMutex()|out-null } } # Function for attaching a note to the alert... function AddNoteToAlert ($alertID = "", $note = "") { # Only execute this if the appropriate API information has been set above... if ($accessId -ne '' -and $accessKey -ne '' -and $company -ne '') { # Encode the note... $encodedNote = $note | ConvertTo-Json # API and URL request details... $httpVerb = 'POST' $resourcePath = '/alert/alerts/' + $alertID + '/note' $url = 'https://' + $company + '.logicmonitor.com/santaba/rest' + $resourcePath $data = '{"ackComment":' + $encodedNote + '}' # Get current time in milliseconds... $epoch = [Math]::Round((New-TimeSpan -start (Get-Date -Date "1/1/1970") -end (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime()).TotalMilliseconds) # Concatenate general request details... $requestVars_00 = $httpVerb + $epoch + $data + $resourcePath # Construct signature... $hmac = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA256 $hmac.Key = [Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($accessKey) $signatureBytes = $hmac.ComputeHash([Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($requestVars_00)) $signatureHex = [System.BitConverter]::ToString($signatureBytes) -replace '-' $signature = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($signatureHex.ToLower())) # Construct headers... $auth = 'LMv1 ' + $accessId + ':' + $signature + ':' + $epoch $headers = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[[String],[String]]" $headers.Add("Authorization",$auth) $headers.Add("Content-Type",'application/json') # Make request to add note.. $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Method $httpVerb -Body $data -Header $headers # Change the following if you want to capture API errors somewhere... # LogWrite "API call response: $response" } } function SendTo-SysLog ($IP = "", $Facility = "local7", $Severity = "notice", $Content = "Your payload...", $SourceHostname = $env:computername, $Tag = "LogicMonitor", $Port = 514) { switch -regex ($Facility) { 'kern' {$Facility = 0 * 8 ; break } 'user' {$Facility = 1 * 8 ; break } 'mail' {$Facility = 2 * 8 ; break } 'system' {$Facility = 3 * 8 ; break } 'auth' {$Facility = 4 * 8 ; break } 'syslog' {$Facility = 5 * 8 ; break } 'lpr' {$Facility = 6 * 8 ; break } 'news' {$Facility = 7 * 8 ; break } 'uucp' {$Facility = 8 * 8 ; break } 'cron' {$Facility = 9 * 8 ; break } 'authpriv' {$Facility = 10 * 8 ; break } 'ftp' {$Facility = 11 * 8 ; break } 'ntp' {$Facility = 12 * 8 ; break } 'logaudit' {$Facility = 13 * 8 ; break } 'logalert' {$Facility = 14 * 8 ; break } 'clock' {$Facility = 15 * 8 ; break } 'local0' {$Facility = 16 * 8 ; break } 'local1' {$Facility = 17 * 8 ; break } 'local2' {$Facility = 18 * 8 ; break } 'local3' {$Facility = 19 * 8 ; break } 'local4' {$Facility = 20 * 8 ; break } 'local5' {$Facility = 21 * 8 ; break } 'local6' {$Facility = 22 * 8 ; break } 'local7' {$Facility = 23 * 8 ; break } default {$Facility = 23 * 8 } #Default is local7 } switch -regex ($Severity) { '^(ac|up)' {$Severity = 1 ; break } # LogicMonitor "active", "ack" or "update" '^em' {$Severity = 0 ; break } #Emergency '^a' {$Severity = 1 ; break } #Alert '^c' {$Severity = 2 ; break } #Critical '^er' {$Severity = 3 ; break } #Error '^w' {$Severity = 4 ; break } #Warning '^n' {$Severity = 5 ; break } #Notice '^i' {$Severity = 6 ; break } #Informational '^d' {$Severity = 7 ; break } #Debug default {$Severity = 5 } #Default is Notice } $pri = "<" + ($Facility + $Severity) + ">" # Note that the timestamp is local time on the originating computer, not UTC. if ($(get-date).day -lt 10) { $timestamp = $(get-date).tostring("MMM d HH:mm:ss") } else { $timestamp = $(get-date).tostring("MMM dd HH:mm:ss") } # Hostname does not have to be in lowercase, and it shouldn't have spaces anyway, but lowercase is more traditional. # The name should be the simple hostname, not a fully-qualified domain name, but the script doesn't enforce this. $header = $timestamp + " " + $sourcehostname.tolower().replace(" ","").trim() + " " #Cannot have non-alphanumerics in the TAG field or have it be longer than 32 characters. if ($tag -match '[^a-z0-9]') { $tag = $tag -replace '[^a-z0-9]','' } #Simply delete the non-alphanumerics if ($tag.length -gt 32) { $tag = $tag.substring(0,31) } #and truncate at 32 characters. $msg = $pri + $header + $tag + ": " + $content # Convert message to array of ASCII bytes. $bytearray = $([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII).getbytes($msg) # RFC3164 Section 4.1: "The total length of the packet MUST be 1024 bytes or less." # "Packet" is not "PRI + HEADER + MSG", and IP header = 20, UDP header = 8, hence: if ($bytearray.count -gt 996) { $bytearray = $bytearray[0..995] } # Send the message... $UdpClient = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.UdpClient $UdpClient.Connect($IP,$Port) $UdpClient.Send($ByteArray, $ByteArray.length) | out-null } # Empty placeholder for capturing any note we might want to attach back to the alert... $alertNote = "" # Placeholder for whether we want to capture an alert in our log. Set to true if you want to log everything. $logThis = $false ############################################################### ## CUSTOMIZE THE FOLLOWING AS NEEDED TO HANDLE SPECIFIC ALERTS FROM LOGICMONITOR... # Actions to take if the alert is new or re-opened (note: status will be "active" or "clear")... if ($alertStatus -eq 'active') { # Perform actions based on the type of alert... # Ping alerts... if ($dsName -eq 'Ping' -and $datapoint -eq 'PingLossPercent') { # Insert action to take if a device becomes unpingable. In this example we'll do a verification ping & capture the output... $job = ping -n 4 $sysName # Restore line feeds to the output... $job = [string]::join("`n", $job) # Add ping results as a note on the alert... $alertNote = "Automation script output: $job" # Log the alert... $logThis = $true # Restart specific Windows services... } elseif ($dsName -eq 'WinService-' -and $datapoint -eq 'State') { # List of Windows Services to match against. Only if one of the following are alerting will we try to restart it... $serviceList = @("Print Spooler","Service 2") # Note: The PowerShell "-Contains" operator is exact in it's matching. Replace it with "-Match" for a loser match. if ($serviceList -Contains $instance) { # Get an object reference to the Windows service... $tmpService = Get-Service -DisplayName "$instance" -ComputerName $sysName # Only trigger if the service is still stopped... if ($tmpService.Status -eq "Stopped") { # Start the service... $tmpService | Set-Service -Status Running # Capture the current state of the service as a note on the alert... $alertNote = "Attempted to auto-restart the service. Its new status is " + $tmpService.Status + "." } # Log the alert... $logThis = $true } # Actions to take if a website stops responding... } elseif ($dsName -eq 'HTTPS-' -and $datapoint -eq 'CantConnect') { # Insert action here to take if there's a website error... # Example of sending a syslog message to an external server... $syslogMessage = "AlertID:$alertID,Host:$sysName,AlertStatus:$alertStatus,LogicModule:$dsName,Instance:$instance,Datapoint:$datapoint,Value:$metricValue,AlertDescription:$dpDescription" SendTo-SysLog $syslogServer "" $severity $syslogMessage $hostName "" "" # Attach a note to the LogicMonitor alert... $alertNote = "Sent syslog message to " + $syslogServer # Log the alert... $logThis = $true } } ############################################################### ## Final functions for backfilling notes and/or logging as needed ## (you likely won't need to change these) # Section that updates the LogicMonitor alert if 'alertNote' is not empty... if ($alertNote -ne "") { AddNoteToAlert $alertID $alertNote } if ($logThis) { # Log the alert (only triggers if a filename is given in the $logFile variable near the top of this script)... LogWrite "$alertID,$alertStatus,$severity,$hostName,$sysName,$dsName,$instance,$datapoint,$metricValue,$alertURL,$dpDescription" }1.6KViews23likes5CommentsIs there no way to easily export Alerts w/ the details?
So is there no way to easily export the alerts page? Am I missing somethingor why is there no way toexport the alerts I need to share with folks to a CSV, PDF, etc....? Why is thereno way to do thison the main Alerts page? Also is there any way to list, show the actual alert details? I don't want to have to click on every alert so I can then view the alert details. Is there a way to show this as one of the columns? So I'm looking for a way to export the Alerts I am viewing after creating my filter and to also include the Alert Message details. Please don't tell me I have to use the horrific "Reports' section and then build a Report based on the "Alerts" template to export alerts. This as far as I can tell doesn't even allow to show the alert message details which I need included in the export/report.499Views1like2CommentsAlerts API - Size Limit
Hi Everyone, I am running into a size limit issue in my pursuit of creating a quarterly report for a customer. What I am trying to do is narrow down my filter to have any cleared alert that is a severity 4 that was closed during that quarter. My issue is two-fold. I am not sure of the syntax that would only show alerts that cleared during that quarter (I am trying to do the equivalent of ‘between’ in python IF statements)and the size limit of 1000 is limiting because I cannot get a count of cleared alerts. I couldn’t find anything regarding pagination that can be used. I have also attempted to do the F12 then network button trick, but there is nothing that stands out there or anything that I can identify. And I have tried looking at other questions and couldn’t find anything relating this. This is my query: ?size=1000&filter=severity:4,cleared:true,startEpoch>:{startEpoch}&filter=severity:4,cleared:true,endEpoch<:{endEpoch} Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.Solved299Views2likes2CommentsSpanning tree/loop detection alerts
I’m looking to see if anyone has a way they are detecting network loops or generally using spanning tree information to alert that a loop has been detected. It would seem like something that would be built in but I can’t find anything. I’m mostly trying to catch end users that plug in things they shouldn’t199Views17likes4CommentsPowerShell to Get Alerts through API with ticketid
I am trying to utilize the PowerShell cmdlets from PowerShell gallery to pull back alerts from our portal from a specific time windows and include the ##externalticketid## field. In Python it says to update the queryParamswithcustomColumns=%2523%2523externalticketid%2523%2523 but that does not seem to work in PowerShell. Has anyone been able to utilize the API to pull back alerts and include the ##externalticketid## field so you can relate it to things like the ServiceNow INC being created for LogicMontior Alerts? This is using API v2.Solved119Views11likes11CommentsAPI issue with /alert/alerts/ query
So I have been trying to work with the API to get a list of alerts with various bits of data for inclusion in our internal reporting portals and other systems and according to documentation I should be able to get information like the detailMessage from the full list of alerts as well as custom fields that we have created to return data from our ticketing system from the /alert/alerts return, however this does not appear to be the case: I have included the structure of the query and the headers below showing version that we are requesting, the query and URL structure and some examples of the returned data Key Value --- ----- Authorization LMv1 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Content-Type application/json X-Version 3 URL https://XXXXXXX.logicmonitor.com/santaba/rest/alert/alerts?fields=id,sdted,cleared,detailMessage,monitorObjectId,type,monitorObjectName,internalId,acked,severity&size=1000&sort=id&filter=startEpoch>:1675074752 queryString fields=id,sdted,cleared,detailMessage,monitorObjectId,type,monitorObjectName,internalId,acked,severity&size=1000&sort=id&filter=startEpoch>:1675074752 Returned data example: severity : 2 sdted : True monitorObjectName : XXXXXXX-XXX internalId :XXXXXXXXXX monitorObjectId : 770 id : XXXXXXXXX type : dataSourceAlert cleared : False acked : False severity : 2 sdted : True monitorObjectName : XXXXXXX-XXX internalId : XXXXXXXXX monitorObjectId : 770 id : XXXXXXXXX type : dataSourceAlert cleared : False acked : False109Views1like4CommentsIdeas to maintain thresholds across thousands of devices and even more instances.
I have an ask to standardize some thresholds based on device type. We break out folders out like so: Clients/CLIENTID/Location/Techstack We then have roll up folders under each client for reporting/automation Clients/CLIENTID/ZZZ_Firewalls The ask brought to myselfand my team is to standardize thresholds based on techstack. The first one I was given is that all Firewalls should have status and X% for in/out on Interfaces. My first idea was to script it and use our automation platform to run daily or every other day to check if a threshold is set, and if not, set it. The issue there is on the initial dry run, I am at over 11 hours and maybe 40% through. This script loops through each client ZZZ_Firewalls folder, gets the interfaces, then checks if a threshold is set. If not, it sets the base threshold. I figured I would break it in half A-N and M-Z and run both concurrently. But in testing M-Z, 1 client is taking almost 10 hours, and I have another of the same size in that block. I also have 1-3 clients of similar size in A-N. Second idea was to create a dynamic group that encompasses all of the /Firewalls/ devices and set the threshold on that folder. But I was leery of that as we could end up with oddities on deepest folder wins. We also cannot simply edit the datasource as this datasource applies to much more than just Firewalls. Any ideas would be appreciated.Solved99Views7likes6CommentsPython SDK - JSON
Hi All, Apologies if this is a simple question, however I cannot find any documentation that can assist. My goal here is to have severity 3 alerts in a JSON file, however I am unable to convert this list ‘alerts’ to JSON and I cannot find any documentation in the SDK v3 that could address this. # create an instance of the API class api_instance = logicmonitor_sdk.LMApi(logicmonitor_sdk.ApiClient(configuration)) id = 138 # Integer | size = 1000 # Integer | (optional) offset = 0 # Integer | (optional) filter = f'severity:3,cleared:true,startEpoch>:{startEpoch},endEpoch<:{endEpoch}' # String | (optional) #Loop shiznit alerts = [] end_found = False while not end_found: current = api_instance.get_alert_list_by_device_group_id(id, size=size, offset=offset, filter=filter).items alerts += current offset += len(current) end_found = len(current) != size #Print and encode result to json. This allows you to use this variable later in an API Put. with open('./customer/json/cleared_sev3_alerts.json', 'w') as content_output_json: result_encoded = json.JSONEncoder(sort_keys=False, indent =4).encode(alerts) content_output_json.write(str(alerts)) content_output_json.close() print(len(alerts)) Whenever I try to encode this I get the following alert. TypeError: Object of type Alert is not JSON serializable Doing a jsonDump gives us the same output and I’ve scoured stackoverflow for a way to fix this, but no luck. Does anyone know how I can get around this? Thank you so muchSolved99Views3likes1Comment