Forum Discussion

Michael_Baker's avatar
3 years ago

Updated Swagger and SDK's

I have asked this before im sure of it! The Swagger published doc is still used on the v2 API... Majority of the platform is using v3/v4 so its obviously a documented API somewhere can we get a new one published then have a codegen ran over it? :D.. We have had to monkey patch the py SDK;s to do things only available in 3 or v4 API's as they not available in v2 API

8 Replies

  • 15 minutes ago, Vitor Santos said:

    Yeah, I face the same issue. No docs for v3/4. I always end up using Chrome Developer tools to see the actual calls on the browser directly & then transpose them into our py scripts.

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    As far as I know it is not officially relesed yet

  • 5 hours ago, thedietz said:

    mind if i ask how you use chrome developer tools to see the calls?

    View -> Developer -> Developer.Tools.. Select Network tab and choose the Fetch/XHR you will see most of the calls are API calls then and work back from that

  • 9 hours ago, Michael Baker said:

    I have asked this before im sure of it! The Swagger published doc is still used on the v2 API... Majority of the platform is using v3/v4 so its obviously a documented API somewhere can we get a new one published then have a codegen ran over it? :D.. We have had to monkey patch the py SDK;s to do things only available in 3 or v4 API's as they not available in v2 API

    Yeah, I face the same issue. No docs for v3/4. I always end up using Chrome Developer tools to see the actual calls on the browser directly & then transpose them into our py scripts.

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  • 5 hours ago, Vitor Santos said:

    Yeah, I face the same issue. No docs for v3/4. I always end up using Chrome Developer tools to see the actual calls on the browser directly & then transpose them into our py scripts.

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    mind if i ask how you use chrome developer tools to see the calls?

  • The release notes for v176 just dropped earlier today, and v3 API documentation is mentioned. I don't see the swagger updated yet though.

    LogicMonitor API v3 Release

    LogicMonitor REST API v3 is now available for use. The REST API Swagger documentation contains 203 frequently used API endpoints. This release also includes a Python SDK file. For more information, see Using LogicMonitor’s REST API.