Forum Discussion

hvittal's avatar
2 years ago

Sub minute data collection / metric resolution

I am wondering if anyone managed to find a way around 1-min granularity? I have requirements from developers to dump data every X seconds.. I think going sub second probably is never happening for SaaS platform but sub minute should really be possible - even if it's a costed option.

It would save us from having a TICK stack and again this sort of data needs to be in the platform so would be a shame to offload elsewhere.

  • Anonymous's avatar
    2 years ago

    Ask your CSM about push metrics. 

  • Anonymous's avatar

    It’s funny because it would work.

  • Kwame_A's avatar
    Icon for LM Conqueror rankLM Conqueror


    Create 60 DataPoints, one for each second of the minute.

    Use Push Metrics.

    Combine graphs using virtual datapoints.

    60 DataPoints! 😂😅


    Create 60 DataPoints, one for each second of the minute.

    Use Push Metrics.

    Combine graphs using virtual datapoints.

  • Anonymous's avatar

    Then you want traces. If that doesn't do it, you might be out of luck with LM. 

  • Ask your CSM about push metrics. 

    Yes we are working on Push API as an option but although you can send metrics every second it does seem to still average it out to the minute… so this doesn’t seem to allow to view sub minute.

  • Anonymous's avatar

    Ask your CSM about push metrics.