Forum Discussion

SLJ's avatar
10 months ago

Pulling down info from Juniper devices such as Junos version, serial number, etc


I’m new to LM and I’ve been trying to figure out how to get information from Juniper devices like the Junos version, serial numbers, etc. It would be great if I could then run a report to collate all of this. I’ve been going around in circles with it for a little bit now and wondered if anyone had managed to do something similar. 

  • The fact following properties typically contain the information you’re referring to:






    If these are not populated, please send me a feature request and include the link to the device in your portal with the Juniper JunOS version you’d expect to see and I’ll take a look at it.

    Additionally, the easiest way to see this is in UIv4 → Resource Group Name → Inventory tab. This lists the device name, ip, mac, serial number, os version…

  • Anonymous's avatar


    1. are those properties not being pulled into LM?
    2. are they being pulled in, but you don’t know how to report on them?
  • Hi, sorry for being vague.

    I have been able to put a report together and I have worked out how to get the serial numbers in, so that’s ok now. I just cannot work out how to get the Junos version for each device.

  • Hi, thanks for you help.

    I managed to get what I needed in the report using “auto.entphysical.softwarerev”. I was using the old UI and as soon as I swapped it was staring me in the face!lol