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Dominique's avatar
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4 years ago

Communication Client to Server


I have several Client Machines/Lab Instruments which are disconnecting from several servers when they are getting idle over 120 minutes. Over Clients do not have this issue... with the same servers... 

Is it possible to get something set in Logic Monitor to catch this issue?



3 Replies

  • Anonymous's avatar

    As I usually say when a question comes up like this, "If it can be monitored, you can monitor it in LM." So, the real question becomes, how can this be detected outside LM? How do you know that the disconnects are happening? Are you getting complaints from the users? How are they noticing? Can we programmatically detect what they are noticing? Is there a log entry on the server that logs this disconnect? If so, could you setup an EventSource to monitor that log looking for those entries?

  • Hello Stuart,

    How do you know that the disconnects are happening? The application is showing the link disconnected

    Are you getting complaints from the users? How are they noticing? The users are not able to get their reports and not able to send their results from the instruments

    Can we programmatically detect what they are noticing? Yes the Application is testing the communication and showing "connected" or "disconnected"

    Is there a log entry on the server that logs this disconnect? I have to check as I don't know the whole application

    If so, could you setup an EventSource to monitor that log looking for those entries? Apparently there is nothing in the Windows Event Log



  • Anonymous's avatar
    8 hours ago, Dominique said:

    Can we programmatically detect what they are noticing? Yes the Application is testing the communication and showing "connected" or "disconnected"

    Ok, then how can you get the results of the Application's test?