Forum Discussion

James_Rolt's avatar
11 months ago

Change Instance Name


I have noticed a few alerts are not generating ticket within our Connectwise Manage via the integration, looking in the log i can see a 400 error with the below payload:

{ "code": "InvalidObject", "message": "ticket object is invalid", "errors": [ { "code": "MaxLengthField", "message": "The field summary must be a string with a maximum length of 100.", "resource": "ticket", "field": "summary" } ] } 

I understand that the length restriction will be from connectwise, but is there a way to change the name of an instance within logicmonitor. The alert in question here will be around 104 characters in length. 

The instance for this is picked up via auto discovery from Unifi Access Point Datasource and i cannot see a way to change the name of this.



  • I just realized I got that backwards, your message is too long, not too short. You might just have to edit the datasource(s) to keep instance names shorter. I’m not aware of a way to trim the alert token length. Perhaps that is worth filing a feature request for.

    Or you can setup some sort of middle man glue service between LM and Connectwise to modify the data before Connectwise gets it. But that might be more trouble if it’s just a few device types causing the issue.

  • Anonymous's avatar

    That’s what i do. I trim the text going into the summary field to only grab the first 95 characters.

  • I just realized I got that backwards, your message is too long, not too short. You might just have to edit the datasource(s) to keep instance names shorter. I’m not aware of a way to trim the alert token length. Perhaps that is worth filing a feature request for.

    Or you can setup some sort of middle man glue service between LM and Connectwise to modify the data before Connectwise gets it. But that might be more trouble if it’s just a few device types causing the issue.

  • You would need to modify the DataSource(s) autodiscovery to output a different instance name.

    Another possible suggestion, assuming ConnectWise integration in LM lets you modify the raw data, is that you can perhaps pad the message field with extra spaces or other characters so the length is always 100. For example something like:

    “message”:"##MESSAGE##                   "