Forum Discussion

Matt_Whitney's avatar
11 months ago

Why is there an option to focus on the datasource or instance level?

I noticed that there is a “plus” icon next to nearly everything in the new UI, from resources to logicmodules to instances. The plus icon focuses similar to the eyeball in UIv3.

If I select the “plus” icon next to an instance or datasource, it focuses only on that and the rest of the modules/instances on the device are hidden. I can’t think of any use case for that, and I could see it causing users to get “lost”.

I would rather see the focus option removed from the instance/datasource level, and only be an option on the device or group level like it was in UIv3.

16 Replies

  • Don’t get me started on the “you don’t need the magnifying glass if you throw your no-double-clicking rule out the window” argument.

  • I have already clicked this on instances inadvertently many times in the new UI. I think the slower response time contributes to this, and the proximity of the + icon to the name of the instance. The eyeball icon placed above the resources in the old UI was a separation which seemed to help prevent this.

  • Have to agree with you. However, I doubt anything will be done. They will weigh “why don’t you just not click it” against “what code do we have to write to exclude it from having a focus option”.  Guess which will win.

  • I also don’t like how when you focus on anything, the “Recently Deleted” and “Unmonitored Devices” tabs are visible. In UIv3 those tabs were only visible when the root folder was selected, and I think that was cleaner.

  • It doesn’t look like focusing on an instance gives you a different URL. Either way if you select an instance it gives you a URL that navigates back to the instance. Does the same in UIv3 as well, although the URL looks different and the UIv4 instance URL is easier to parse.

  • Does focusing on the instance give you a unique link that will get you back to that same instance? Wonder if they’re trying to make it easier to share URLs that point to specific things.