Forum Discussion

Joe_Williams's avatar
5 years ago

Datto Backups & Devices

I figured I would share these with anyone who would want them.

The first DataSource reaches out to the Datto Portal and gathers info on the BCDR via the Datto portal and utilizing their REST API. It is ATFZGD.
As part of this DataSource, it pulls basically all values that are provided and a few complex just to convert KB to GB and get percentages.

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The second one pulls the same BCDR devices and gets the backup status from them. It is 2KZEKJ.
As part of this DataSrouce, we pull the below info. Also as part of this, we have active discovery set to every hour so the error message for the backup can be used as an auto property, that we can then pull into the alert message.
There are 2 complex data points as well. 1 is so archived backups in error don't trigger and another so paused backups in archive don't trigger.

  • Archived
  • Last Backup Status
  • Last Backup Timestamp
  • Last Offsite
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  • Passing this on for the next person.

    I got this working, it appears that my API key format was wrong. The format must be in "public:secret" as the value in the device property for datto.api.key. While this format might be common knowledge for some it wasn't for me so I hope this helps someone else down the road.

    • Barb's avatar
      Icon for Advisor rankAdvisor

      Very Helpful even 5 years later. Thank you Jason saved me alot of time :)

  • On 2/21/2020 at 1:13 PM, Joe Williams said:

    I figured I would share these with anyone who would want them.

    The first DataSource reaches out to the Datto Portal and gathers info on the BCDR via the Datto portal and utilizing their REST API. It is ATFZGD.
    As part of this DataSource, it pulls basically all values that are provided and a few complex just to convert KB to GB and get percentages.

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    The second one pulls the same BCDR devices and gets the backup status from them. It is 2KZEKJ.
    As part of this DataSrouce, we pull the below info. Also as part of this, we have active discovery set to every hour so the error message for the backup can be used as an auto property, that we can then pull into the alert message.
    There are 2 complex data points as well. 1 is so archived backups in error don't trigger and another so paused backups in archive don't trigger.

    • Archived
    • Last Backup Status
    • Last Backup Timestamp
    • Last Offsite
    • Last Screenshot Attempt
    • Last Screenshot Attempt Status
    • Last Snapshot
    • Paused
    • Protected Volumes Count
    • Total Local Snapshots
    • Unprotected Volumes Count

    Hi Joe,


    Are you able to give me a few pointers on how you are creating a resource as the datto device? Which properties etc.


    Thank You

  • Anonymous's avatar
    On 2/21/2020 at 7:13 AM, Joe Williams said:


    @Jon Durbridge, you would find it in the exchange under the locator @Joe Williams mentioned: ATFZGD. Go to your datasources page, click add, then add from exchange and put in the locator code. That should download it. 

  • Is this still available? I cant seem to find it in the exchange or using any other methods.

  • @Jason_LMADM can you give it another shot? They were marked Private as part of our migration and got missed when we flipped all the locators in the forums back to Public. Thanks.

  • I'm still not getting any results for the joe_williams stuff from the Exchange.

  • I got the datasources added, I added a device property called datto.api.key and populated it with my encoded key. The test within the datasource is reporting an HTTP 403 error. Any direction to resolve this would be appreciated. I am able to query the API successfully using the Curl commands that Datto provides.