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API Method to CLEAR an Alert (toggle off=on Alert Enable)

Darren_Dudgeon's avatar
10 months ago


We have a need to via API, CLEAR an alert. I don’t see any API Methods to clear an alert. I only see methods to GET or POST a Note/ACK.

Can you assist me with what API method we can use to clear (toggle on/off) an alert?


Darren Dudgeon

Published 10 months ago
Version 1.0


  • It sounds like you’re looking at this from the ‘Alert’ angle -- Alerting is controlled by the datasources/datasource instances, and I see that there are properties to ‘`disableAlerting`’ in the API -- have you looked at toggling these ‘sliders’ via the DataSources Instances resources?

    Note that one does not ‘clear’ Alerts from the Alerts page -- one can only ‘acknowledge’ Alerts. To ‘clear’ an alert means:

    • The datapoint values are no longer in violation of thresholds
    • The datasource/instance has been deliberately DISABLED (alerting and collection are separate toggles)

    Ergo, you must control ‘alert toggling’ from the DataSource/device/instance perspective, and not from the ‘Alert’ perspective. You CAN, however, ‘SDT’ an alert from the Alert perspective (but this simply disables alert routing mechanisms and allows you to filter out SDTd alerts -- it DOES NOT prevent the alert from generating/appearing).